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Zoom - Art for Wellbeing (CRISP Hosted)

Tuesday 28th June 2022
Email to let us know you would like to join.

Join Linda Rowe for this drawing session and learn how to unwind and relax in a creative way. This class is for everyone, no artistic ability is needed – so come along and give it a go! During Linda’s session we will draw pictures alongside her, on the theme of nature, following her simple step by step process to build a picture – it is all about you and the process and not the picture itself. Linda uses simple colours and doodle techniques that we can take away to help us balance and calm the mind.
No special materials are needed, just a pen or pencil and any sort of paper (or even an old envelope!) to draw on. If you do have marker pens, highlighters, felt-tips, crayons or any paints bring them along too. If using paints, you will need a pot of water, a brush if you have one or cotton buds or kitchen roll will also do.

Join the Zoom video-conference at 2pm. The person you care for is welcome to join in too. 

How does it work?

  • Email to let us know you would like to join in. 
  • We will email back to confirm if you have a place – first come, first served basis – we may be able to repeat popular events.
  • We will email you an invitation and a ‘link’ that you click onto when the event is due to start. Also a password you will need to type-in to join the meeting.
  • You will be prompted to either download ‘Zoom’ or join using your browser and then taken through a few steps to join the meeting.
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