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Carers Support Service
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carers' resource information and support


Latest News
Carers UK are collecting evidence on carers experiences of overpayments of Carers Allowance. If you've been affected, you can submit your information to be used anonymously, to support their campaign here:

If you're looking after someone, we are here for you!

If you look after someone, we're here for you.

Our Carers Information Service supports family/unpaid carers looking after someone who would not be able to manage without their support in Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole. 

Join the Carers' Information Service to become part of our carers' community. 

To join, please complete a quick online form here.

Caring for someone in Dorset?

CRISP supports carers of people living in Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole. If you are caring for someone in Dorset, please visit the Carer Support Dorset website. The support they offer may differ from that on the CRISP website. 

If you care for someone in another Council area, we recommend searcing the website for the relevent Council where the person you care for lives. 

When you sign up to the Carers Information Service you'll receive a welcome pack including:
And details on how to access: 
News - Click her for news, information and blog posts  Get in touch  Meet the Team

We're a friendly, helpful team. If you can't find the information you need here, please get in touch. We go out of our way to help people who contact us. If we don't know the answer to an enquiry we always try to connect you to someone who can help.

Dorset Carer Friendly ID Card: What is it and how can I use it?

Join Forward Carers for an online event to learn about the Carer Friendly ID Card.